- Build a Chrono Legionnaire and a Chronosphere.
- Once the Chronosphere is ready, activate Way-Point-Mode. Now, command the Chrono Legionnaire to freeze your Chronosphere, but don't commence the waypoint process yet.
- Select a group of units to be teleported with the Chronospehre - but don't teleport them yet- just select them.
- Now, after having your group of units selected and ready to tele, activate your way-point-path. Your Chronosphere will now become frozen in time.
- Immediately after you freeze your Chronosphere select where you'd like to teleport your units. Despite the fact that the Chronosphere is frozen, you will still be able to teleport the already selected group of units.
- As soon as you have teleported your units with the FROZEN Chronosphere move your Chrono Legionnaire, unfreezing the building. As soon as the building unfreezes it will say "Chronospehre ready!" That's it!